Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Update from Kirsten!

Hi gluten free friends!

Well, it's been a few years since I've posted on here!  I am so sorry I've been absent!  I ended up going through a divorce in 2016, so life has changed a lot!

I got remarried last summer, so now, not only do I have my two boys, who are now 12 and 14, but I have three step sons who are 9, 13 and 15!  We have a full house and they eat A LOT!!!  We go through about 5 gallons of milk a week, can you believe that, and my husband and I rarely drink it!  Crazy isn't it!

Anyway, I have lots of yummy recipes to add on here, but I am going to school in February and I'm working too, so I'll have to get them added slowly but surely, so bear with me!

I hope this blog is helpful to you as you navigate being gluten free, whether you're a newbie or an old pro!  Believe me, it's SO much easier now than when I was first diagnosed!  When I received my diagnosis, nobody had heard of celiac disease or gluten, and it was all new to me too!

So if you are newly diagnosed, you are very lucky!  It's a great time to be gluten free!

Enjoy the recipes and I look forward to your likes and comments!  I respond to all messages, so feel free to drop me a line with any questions or comments!

Oh, by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


PS: Here are a couple of pics for you!  My new husband and I - and our family!

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